About L’aura Marie

My earliest memory of healing, wellness, movement, and desire for change was at the age of 12. I was a gymnast and dancer and became a vegetarian while learning about the demise of dolphins being captured in tuna nets. I was infamous for taking neighborhood dogs home for baths and treats.. something inside me told me the owners were not caring for them well and were being ignored. I connected deeply to animals very early in life, in particular the canine.

Growing up was hard. My father was abusive, and my mother was dismissive. I learned difficult things at a very early age, and as a pre-teen, I said enough of this and set my sights on healing and getting out of my family home as soon as possible. I had to teach myself many things, but first I addressed my physical body, my mind, and then, my emotions.

I started taking Ashtanga yoga at 18, then traveled to the United States at 24 to find a proper teacher. The year 1995 - pre-Google. I found my teacher Tias Little in Santa Fe, New Mexico on this journey and didn’t look back. I took a job as an innkeeper, found an apartment, and rolled up my life sleeves.

10,000 hours later I found myself in Boulder, Colorado studying Structural Integration (aka Rolfing). I completed the basic training in 2005 and then took off for Italy where I would treat my first clients in the southern part of the country, and where I originate, Sicily.

Upon my return to the States, 9 months later, I returned to Boulder for continued education with The Guild Structural Integration while exploring the yogic teaching of Richard Freeman and others. Eventually, I returned to Santa Fe and continued my education with Tias Little and started formulating RolfYoga - a blend of Structural Bodywork and Yoga.

I took the RolfYoga program around the States for a few years before landing back in Pittsburgh, PA where I opened my clinic. The Center for Structural Wellness ran 15 years before the addition to the canine work. Today, I bring to you Campisi Holistic which serves to bring both humans and canines out of pain and into freedom.

Education and Collaborations

  • Publishing Your Photography Book with Darius Himes and La Luz, 2003 

  • META Digital Marketing Course, 2003

  • Volunteer ASPCA Kansas City, 2023 

  • Fear Free Certification, 2024

  • ASPCA RAFT Program, 2022 

  • Best Friends Animal Sanctuary Kanab, Utah, 2022 

  • United States Rhodesian Ridgeback Society, 2018 to current 

  • Volunteer Butler County Humane Society, 2018-2022  

  • Ayurveda for Yoga Teachers with The Madhuri Method, April 2022                                   

  • Alexander Technique with Carolyn Johnson 60 hours, 2018                                                                         

  • Barral Institute Visceral Manipulation VM1/VM2, 2018                                                                     

  • Yoga Teacher Training Program with Mark Staley Yoga, 2015                                                  

  • Family Constellation with Mark Wolynn, 2015 

  • Trauma Workshop with Ale Duarte, Rolfer Somatic Movement Practitioner, 2013    

  • Introduction to Ayurveda Ayurvedic Institute, 2005          

  • Heartwood Institute Macrobiotics with Paul Pitchford, 2005                                                                  

  • The Esalen Institute Somatic Movement Training, 2005                                                  

  • Aspen Meadows Aquatic Center Watsu, 2005                                                                                   

  • Hatha Yoga Training with Yogi Hari 200 hours, 2002                                                                            

  • Tias Little of Prajna Yoga 5,000 hour, 2003

  • The Guild for Structural Integration, 2003-2005 

  • University of Pittsburgh, 1998-2000                                                                      

  • Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training with Tim Miller, 1997 

Contact us

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!